Dark Times in the Galaxy

Dark Galaxies
3 min readAug 6, 2022


Dark Times

The Galactic News corporation — Shining bright information to the darkest corners of the galaxy

John Ignatius — Chief Editor
August 2022 — Edition 1

News from the Dark Galaxies

Early Settlers Begin Mining and Claiming Planets

It has been a year since the launch of Dark Galaxies and the overlords have continued to execute on the Exploration Plan put forward at that time.

Although Settlers throughout the Dark Galaxies have found prosperity, there has recently been a shift in the cosmic fabric of the galaxies, which has caused big problems for many species throughout many constellations.

There is some question as to whether or not humanity on Earth has caused these issues or have simply been affected, as those throughout the darkest of the galaxies.

Nevertheless, Settlers move forward, mining and exploring the Planets of the Dark Galaxies.

Total DTF Mined

Total Mines

Planets Mining

Active Miners

Mining News

During the first month of mining in Dark Galaxies, the earliest of miners have been finding success on the Planets throughout the six galaxies where potential life and resources have been identified.

Although little light travels through the Dark Galaxies, communication bursts continue to be received. More important than ever, news has been informing miners where to find opportunity and equally as important, where to reward.

The First Space station has collected the latest news reports to share with travelers and continues to broadcast through Discord, Telegram and Twitter channels.

Mining Tools

So far in the universe there have been a number of efficient (and not so efficient) mining tools created. Many races tried to build their own mining tools and many races failed. The biggest success has been the tools created by the Android race, The Guq’uk — these tools have proved time again that they are the most reliable and reward producing tools and as such are the tools of choice for most miners.

  • Mining Drone 1–3
  • Strip Miner 1–3
  • Basic Extractor
  • Survey Scanner 1–3

Miners have had some success and some failure honing these tools whilst the tool manufacturers themselves continue to release firmware updates for them to improve efficiency and fuel consumption.

Mining Managers

Many people have trained hard in the art of mining and thus have earned themselves the role of Mining Manager in many mining operations. This hard to acquire skill has made this profession highly sought after and thus when a mining manager appears on the jobs market they are usually snapped up rather quickly.

Engine Room

While the miners rage and compete for scarce resources, the small skirmishes in the galaxies between races continue. Many battles take place on a daily basis between factions, gangs and mercenaries in PVP battles in the trading card game.

Down in the engine room our engineers are hard at work welding, cutting, bolting on enhancements to the ship in preparations for the incoming battles. The universe is starting to get crowded and sooner or later there are going to be wars breaking out and battles between races.

Here is a small taste of one of the improvements coming in preparation to this.

Come and see what’s happening in the galaxy today!

Dark Galaxies



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